Tuesday, August 5, 2008

PHP Image Library: WideImage

WideImage is an object-oriented PHP image library.

Color Palette Icon
It is written in PHP 5 and requires only GD2 library for manipulating images.

The library is very suitable for new generation web applications (for easier mashups) as it supports loading images from any URL besides loading them from a file, string or a valid image source.

Some features of WideImage:

  • Transformations: crop, resize, rotate, flip, mirror
  • Conversions: graysclae, negative, truecolor, palette
  • Colors/channels: merge, mask, filter, get channels, correct gamma…
Requirements: PHP 5.2+, GD2 extension
Website: http://wideimage.sourceforge.net
Download: http://wideimage.sourceforge.net/wiki/AllReleases