Saturday, November 8, 2008

MySQL Sidu: Free MySQL Front-End

MySQL Sidu is a free web based MYSQL GUI similar to PHPMyAdmin.
It has most of the features other GUIs have & besides them MySQL Sidu can:
  • Group tables by first x chars of table names, and which you can control freely;
  • Sort results in 1 column or 2 columns, which you can switch to your favorable mode;
  • Sort & filter results.
There are 2 firewall security levels for the GUI for a safer data: user & global levels, that control who can access the application.
For anyone using another web-based MySQL GUI, it is very hard to switch to another tool & you may not need it. But this application has some nice UI features that make some jobs easier and you may want to check.
There is also a Firefox addon for MySQL Sidu that enables you to insert data from text fields & textareas in a webpage.

Requirements: PHP